Latest Telenor Packages,Telenor talkshawk Har Second

The smartest package to call any network, anytime

Telenor introduces another exciting new prepaid package – Telenor talkshawk Har Second, with amazing call rates, freedom to recharge through Easyload and a lot more.

All existing Telenor Prepaid customers can convert to Telenor Talkshawk Har second for Rs.25 (inclusive of tax)With IVR Dialing 345661/345662: Rs.0.25 exclusive of Tax Or with SMS Sending "Migrate" to 345: Rs.2/SMS exclusive of tax
Balance validity is limited, based on recharge.

Migration Procedure:

Write "migrate" and send to 345 
Following Menu will be received
Dear customer, please select the Price plan. Reply with your choice as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6
1 talkshawk 63
2 Djuice Jagtey Raho
3 talkshawk A1
4 talkshawk 30 Sec
5 talkshawk Har Minute
6 Djuice

Reply with 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 
You will receive a confirmation message shortly 

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