Mobiles In Pakistan
Mobile phone selling trend has also been observed in Pakistan. About 2.5 million cell phones are being sold by the different Mobile phone brands company in Pakistan.
Healthy competition in Mobile phone industry has been started and this will facilitate the end customer directly. Mobiles phone plays an important role in the economy of Pakistan.
Our telecom Sector is in the phase of cut throat competition. This LNO (Late Night Option) was first introduced by Mobilink under Limited Time Offer tag. Basic purpose of this offer was to attract customers for limited time and then go back on routine packages. But in just few days, Ufone and Telenor followed same strategy to facilitate their customers. Now all companies are offering same service and its not possible for any one company to stop this option. It will result in switching prepaid customers to other networks.
So, this limited time offer become permanent right now. If all these companies will make cartel then they can set their desired rate otherwise they have to follow cut throat competition.
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