PTCL EVO,EVO Packages 2011

PTCL 3G EVO offers both prepaid and post paid packages and multiple downloading options. It packages, charges and reliability suits to both your needs and pockets. PTCL is also the world's first largest and fastest operator to commercially launch EV-DO Rev.B technology by launching EVO 3G Nitro. Its offers electric internet speed up to 9.3 Mbps. Through EVO 3G Nitro you can enjoy:
• Faster web browsing
• Faster uploads
• Uninterrupted seamless HD video streaming experience
• Access to a host of media rich applications
Post paid and pre paid packages are offered with reasonable charges. In both of the packages there are options for the customers to choose the suitable one for him.
In post paid package there are two options for the customer i.e.
1. PTCL landline billing
2. Advanced line rent
PTCL landline billing has monthly charges of Rs. 2000 and you have to bill in PTCL landline.
Advance line rent has monthly charges of Rs. 2000 and it has advance payment at PTCL OSS or designated bank.
Pre paid packages are of two types,
• Time-based packages
• Volume-based packages
In time-based package you have three options
1. DAY PASS package: It has charges of Rs. 100/day and time limit is 24 consecutive hours.
2. LITE package: It has monthly charges of Rs. has 50 hours validity within 30 days. In case of additional usage Rs. 21/hour are charged.
3. MAX package: its monthly charges are Rs. 1999 and has unlimited validity within 30 days
Volume-based package has four options
1. GO package: its monthly charges are Rs. 799 and have 1 GB volume. In case of additional usage Rs. 2/Mb are charged.
2. 2GB LITE package: its monthly charges are Rs. 1199 with 2 GB volume. Rs. 1/Mb is charged in case of additional usage.
3. WIZ package: its monthly charges are Rs. 1499 per month with 5GB volume and Rs. 0.75/Mb additional charges.
4. MAX package: Rs. 1999 are the monthly charges with unlimited volume and no additional usage charges.
For the customers convenience PTCL offered easy billing process.
You can pay your bill at your nearest
• PTCL One Stop Shop (OSS).
• Ufone customer service center.
• Branch of MCB.
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