Qubee Postpaid Packages 2011
Qubee, the WiMAX service provider, now offers kind of unlimited data packages with 1.5 Mbps speed for its postpaid customers. Though monthly charges are slightly higher than usual, i.e. Rs. 2,400 per month.
It is likely that customers may go with with PTCL EVO instead that offers unlimited download at 3.1 Mbps (advertised speed) with Rs. 2,000 per month.
Following are the complete details of all Qubee Postpaid packages:

Qubee’s Volume Packages:
It’s a fact that definition for unlimited varies from service to service and from operator to operator. For Qubee, unlimited means 30 GB or 40 GB in case of its 1.5 Mbps package. Get more details in following pointers:
- Qubee says that fair Usage Policy applies to all residential unlimited volume packages.
- If data consumption exceeds 30GB (40GB for Venture Max) during one billing cycle, then bandwidth may get degraded.
- The unlimited packages for residential users are not usable by commercial users or for further reselling as per directives of PTA
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