Mobile Snatching in Pakistan

Street crimes are very common in Asia region from the very long time, even before the existence of Pakistan; sub continent was known to be the major victim of street crimes, though with the passage of time, this crime has changed its form, but still the originality of the crime remains the same.

Mobile snatching Activity:

Since from the last many years, the usage of mobile has become very common, so the rate of crimes related to the mobile snatching has also increased to the maximum level. None of the city of Pakistan is now safe, no matter it is big or small, and not only in the evening or the night timings, but now this bad conduct is taking place in the day timings as well.

Mobile phone snatching activity is in fact a gateway activity and no one is being safe from it. A recent survey has shown that almost 80,000 cell phones have been snatched in Pakistan last year. Yes, it is the shocking figure and the rate is ever increasing in this year as well. Out of all the cities of Pakistan, Karachi is found to be at the top of the list in this ranking, and no area of Karachi is safe by these street criminals.

The victims though try their level best to resolve their problem, but in very minor or almost no cases, the mobile phone has been taken back by the owner. So if you have lost your cell phone, just forget it, but the pain is felt only by the victim, as you not only lost your precious and expensive item, but also you’re major contacts and the privacy also.

Though many of the concerned departments are trying to minimize the rate of this crime, but their efforts still have shown nil results. There is only a hope among the Pakistanis that they may will see the better times.

The funny animation by the GEO i.e. “Go to hell with a cell” better shows the real picture of this misconduct.

How to Respond:
There is no way possible that you get your snatched mobile back other than luck.However if you have IMEI number of your mobile than you can report that to PTA and they will block all sims on that phone so that phone will be useless in Pakistan.This is the only way you can be satisfied.

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