Zong Value Added Services

Zong is the offer of China mobiles which is the largest telecom operator of the world, having more than 300 million customers. No doubt the Zong services are having the excellent quality, as they are interrupted and reliable and you can catch them at the places, where no other network can go, like at the tunnels, under the sky scrappers elevators, and even on the top of the mountains. Besides the company use to offer the latest promotions and the packages offers for their customers, and they are unique in providing the lowest call and SMS charges.

Let us see the Value added services provided by Zong.

Value Added Services of Zong:

Major valued added services of Zong include Music, Games, Sports, Business Solutions, Communication, SMS/ Chat, Mobile internet, information services, eCare services, Zong Handsets and the Portal services. Let us see them one by one.


Music services of the Zong include Zong Dial tunes, Zong music Channels, Zong SMS song Search, Zong Ring tones and the Zong song dedications. They have the functions according to their names assigned.


Games of Zong are categorized as Sports games (Cricket, Football, Carom and the Celebrity Darts championship etc), Shooting games (Big games Safari, Fire at will and Tommy Gun etc), Top games and Super games.


As the name indicates, the communication channels are placed in this category, like Facebook mobile alerts, Zong Twitter SMS, Zong take one, PRING, Web so SMS and SMS buddy chat.

Business Solutions:

Business solution is actually the way to make your contact with your colleagues, customers, and all the stakeholders, and it includes Blackberry, Corporate SMS, Corporate VPMN, and Zong internet USB Card.

General Services:

Zong general services includes the mixed offers like Zong Insurance, Zong Personality Test service, Pay it all, Call forwarding and call waiting, conference calling etc.

Zong Handsets:

Zong provides the number of handsets at discount rates to its customers like N281, G2201, R221, R231, Z100 and many more.

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