Pakistan Ranked 4th in Broad Band Growth- PTCL Review
PTCL is leading the Broadband revolution in the country from the front. Through its policy of upgrading and expanding its Broadband reach both on its traditional copper network and through the development of its fibre optic network, PTCL has managed to firmly place itself as the undisputed leader in the Broadband sector in the country.
Pursuing this aggressive policy of expansion, which has made the service available to a wide spectrum of customers from high end corporate sector to low income, rural areas, PTCL has played the role of catalyst in the exponential growth in the broadband sector that has enabled Pakistan to be ranked amongst the top countries with highest growth rate in broadband internet.
Bandwidth Report – a monthly roundup of broadband penetration figures from US and elsewhere based on the findings of Nielson/Netratings – have been cited by Website Optimization, LLC, a leading website optimizing firm, sourced from Point Topic, a global broadband tracker, As of a recent and reported by PR Web. The figures can been seen at:
Pakistan, which has seen a boom in its promising telecom sector and information technology services in recent years, recorded around 46.2 percent growth of subscribers and is placed fourth on the ranking list with Serbia on the top. Globally, only Thailand and Belarus had greater percentage expansion than Pakistan, apart from top-rated Serbia during the period. Pakistanis digital growth prospects have begun to look brighter lately.
The closest South Asian country to Pakistan on the list of top countries is Sri Lanka at the 11th spot with its broadband penetration growing in 30s while India lags at the 14th place in terms of broadband growth.
Besides having a large bilingual (English and Urdu) internet conversant population, Pakistan’s software companies have carved a niche internationally in recent years. According to government figures, the country’s information technology exports totaled $ 1.4 billion in the last financial year. Experts say the IT industry, which adds thousands of skilled workers every year, has the potential to hit a multi-billion export target within next five to ten years. Additionally, mobile phone and wireless internet usage are also expanding rapidly.
This distinction for Pakistan has been made possible due to PTCL’s vision and belief in the development of broadband network and major investment in the sector. Since PTCL’s entry in the broadband sector in 2007, the pricing and packaging and fast speeds offered to the subscribers have brought this service within reach of average consumer, opening unlimited possibilities on the information front.
It is PTCL’s mission and mandate to take Broadband to every household of the country at most affordable prices.
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