Recharge EVO Today to Win 1 Month Free Internet, Waiver on Previous Bills

The offer is valid for both prepaid and postpaid customers using PTCL 3G EVO, 3G EVO Nitro and 3G EVO WI-Fi cloud devices.
Prepaid customers can get 100% free balance equal to their first card load, whereas postpaid customers’ previous outstanding dues (if any) will be exempted for advance billing/ non-PSTN package. Post paid customers can also enjoy absolutely free internet for the second month.
Post-Paid Customers:
- Exemption of Previous outstanding dues for Advance billing/Non-PSTN packages
- Enjoy second Month usage Absolutely Free
- For Pre-paid customers Win Back offer would be offering following incentives
- 100% Free balance equivalent to first card load.
- This offer is valid for all EVO customers who have not recharged since 30th April or before.
- The offer is applicable for consumer packages of EVO, EVO Wi-Fi cloud and Nitro only.
- Outstanding dues for all qualifying Advance/Non-PSTN billing customers shall be waived off under this promotion.
- Offer is valid for prepaid & Advance billing/Non-PSTN customers.
- Offer is not valid for EVO PSTN billing subscribers.
- Offer is not valid for corporate/employee packages.
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